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@ Poznan: a breakthrough?
The potential of the IMERS scheme to generate $billions of financing for climate adaptation annually was officially presented and actively discussed at the Poznan Climate Change Conference, 1-12 December 2008. This included a high level roundtable opened by two UN Secretary General Special Envoys on Climate Change: Gro Brundtland and Ricardo Lagos.
How to deliver special debate took place on 9th Dec (Message from the Event )
The dedicated official event was focused on CBDR:
Common but Differentiated Responsibilities in International Transport
Generating $billions for climate change action
Message & Summary from the Event
Presentation (0.4 Mb)
Event flyer
For more details, see a 4-page description, entitled:
Tackling climate change through a differentiated levy on marine haulage/shipping fuels .
The conclusion from the event and the proposed next steps were presented by Dr Andre Stochniol at the:
High level roundtable on climate technology and finance
organized by the GLCA on 10 Dec 2008
(the Global Leadership for Climate Action is a joint initiative of the United Nations Foundation and the Club of Madrid)
The roundtable brought together 20 leaders from both the public and private sectors. It included
- Ricardo Lagos, President of the Club of Madrid, co-chair of the GLCA, former President of Chile, UN Secretary General Special Envoy on Climate Change,
- Gro Brundtland, former Prime Minister of Norway, UN Secretary General Special Envoy on Climate Change,
- Dr. Mohamed El-Ashry, Former CEO and Chairman of the Global Environment Facility,
Subsequently, IMERS proposal was presented at the dinner of the United Nations Foundation.
We are very glad with the support obtained from the international leaders both at the above events, and during informal consultations in Poznan. These will significantly increase the momentum for action in the coming weeks and months.
Our main event has been organised in cooperation with the European Federation for Transport and Environment (T&E).
Support and Visibility at COP 14
- IMERS has been reviewed and/or proposed in many reports prepared for the conference, including:
- UNFCCC official update on Investment and financial flows to address climate change; FCCC/TP/2008/7
(0.6MB); a shorter press summary is available as Fact sheet: Financing responses to climate change
- Innovative Carbon-Based Funding for Adaptation
(0.7MB), a briefing paper by the OECD for the 11th Meeting of the Africa Partnership Forum; the most recent common but differentiated version of IMERS is described; other proposals are also described;
- Linking Emissions Trading Schemes for International Aviation and Maritime Emissions
in a comprehensive research by Climate Strategies on Linkages among Emissions Trading Schemes; the most recent GbD version of IMERS is described;
- Turning Carbon into Gold
(0.4MB), a briefing paper by OXFAM on "How the international community can finance climate change adaptation without breaking the bank"; written by Heather K. Coleman in collaboration with David Waskow;
- International Shipping in a post-2012 climate deal
(0.2MB), a background paper, Global Climate Policy, by WWF, by Peter Lockley, WWF UK;
- Adaptation under the UNFCCC: The road from Bonn to Poznan
(0.9MB), a briefing paper by Germanwatch, authored by Sven Harmeling;
- Negotiations on additional investment and financial flows to address climate change in developing countries
(0.4MB), by UNDP, authored by Erik Haites.
- UNFCCC official update on Investment and financial flows to address climate change; FCCC/TP/2008/7