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Extra Events & News
Monday, 10 Dec
A site event was held by Norway on:
International GHG emissions from aviation and maritime transport - follow up of the seminar in Oslo 4-5 October 07. Official workshop conclusions are available (0.1 MB; SBSTA/2007/MISC.29).
Presentations were given by:
- André Jol, European Environment Agency, Conclusions from the Oslo Workshop
(0.1 MB)
- Miguel Palomares, IMO (no presentation; Mr M. Palomares stressed the importance of international shipping to the global economy. He also outlined the current IMO GHG activities, including a correspondence group to consider technical, operational and market-based approaches to reducing GHG emissions.)
- Marit Viktoria Pettersen, Ministry of Environment, Norway, Norwegian GHG proposal to IMO
- Jakob Graichen, Öko-Institut, Germany, Options on aviation post-2012
- Stefan Seum, Stefan Seum Consulting, Options on shipping post-2012
(0.2 MB)
A short report from the event is available at the IISD RS Blog.
Saturday, 08 Dec
Tuvalu has submitted an International Blueprint on Adaptation (0.2 MB) to COP 13. A novel Burden Sharing Mechanism is proposed comprising a levy on international airfares and maritime transport freight charges. Something very close to IMERS. The main differences is that it does not include emission reductions. Additionally, the raised funds will be significantly lower based on the quoted 0.01% base levy. Not the best starting point perhaps to reach a rapid consensus on innovative means to raise the significant funds needed to reduce the gap in financing for adaptation ....(our humble view).
Friday, 07 Dec
- We presented IMERS as the only concrete proposal for the post-2012 regime for international maritime transport at a side event organized by the International Emissions Trading Association, IETA entitled:
- What is the scope for including international marine transport in the post-2012 regime?
- on Friday, 07 Sept.
- Presentation is enclosed
However, an approach to agree underlying climate change principles for such a scheme is needed within the UNFCCC/SBSTA/SBI. The current process is unlikely to deliver it.
Due to this problem IMO is unlikely to be able to decide on any global scheme until the principle of "Common but differentiated responsibilities" is clearly addressed.
A facilitated 1-year approach using IMERS as a strawman to jointly shape a solution and build the required trust around concrete details could break the deadlock. This is now being actively pursued by us based on discussions with very senior officials.