Adaptation Recommendations
IMERS is recommended by a task force comprising former heads of state, leaders from government, business, and civil society from more than 20 countries in a report Facilitating an International Agreement on Climate Change: Adaptation to Climate Change
(3.4 MB).
The report,
by Global Leadership for Climate Action (GLCA), a partnership of the Club of Madrid and the United Nations Foundation (UNF), sets fourth innovative recommendations to enable, finance, and govern global adaptation measures.
The report was distributed to the more than 180 country representatives participating in the UN-led climate negotiations under way in Bonn, Germany.
The announcement is available at the Club of Madrid.
At the launch of the report (9 June 2009) leaders of the Club of Madrid and the UNF said:
“Vulnerable populations who are already experiencing impacts from climate change upon their natural resources and livelihoods need the tools and financial resources to adapt,” said Ricardo Lagos, president of the Club of Madrid, a UN Special Envoy for Climate Change, and former president of Chile. “Without assistance, developing countries will find it harder to improve their economic conditions and make progress toward poverty alleviation.”
“It is a sad fact that those least responsible for global warming are the ones who will suffer the most,” said Timothy E. Wirth, president of the United Nations Foundation and former U.S. Undersecretary of State. “The countries whose economic development put most of the carbon into the atmosphere have a moral obligation to step up and assist those who are living with the consequences.”
IMERS is endorsed as one of three possible sources of new financing for climate adaptation that are "adequate, predictable, and sustainable". For details see the recommendation on page 9, the financing section (pp. 24-30), and the Appendix on Proposed Sources of New Funding for Adaptation (pp. 36-39) in the Report: Adaptation to Climate Change (3.4 MB).