Treating international emissions (from shipping & aviation) as global and aggregating funding for adaptation & technology is seen as a major opportunity for the Copenhagen Agreement.
![Priorities for Developed Countries, Global Contract, Nov 2008](/files/img/global_funding_for_adaptation.jpg)
This was the result from the online consultation at the recent conference on Global Contract based on Climate Justice in the European Parliament.
In the category of policies for the industrialized nations the two most important suggestions voted on by participants were:
- Join a global environmental agreement and promote technology transfer. Finance R&D in clean technologies and renewables.
- Treat international emissions (shipping, aviation) as GLOBAL and aggregate funding for adaptation & technology.
The needs for
- funding for adaptation and
- addressing emissions from international bunkers
were seen as very important also in recommendations for for the developing countries, as well as in the overall economic perspective.
This has also been introduced in the
Background Paper for the conference.
The concluding Memorandum is available